Wednesday, October 8, 2008


What a week/weekend it's been. On friday I went out with Lawyer guy and we all know how that went. Then Sunday came around and I went out with French guy. Omg...the guy is extremely loaded. French guy who had blown me off three dates in a row before meeting me decided to email me while he was in Europe and made plans to meet when he came back to the city. Show's up in his mercedes SL worth more than I make in three years. We go to dinner and he's going on and on about how he doesn't eat anything non organic. He's pretty cute 6'3'' french, and did I mention loaded. We were suppose to go out for drinks, but he quickly changes his mind and wants to have dinner. We're hanging out at his place watching TV and just cuddle...ahhh...I love cuddling. I get home only to take a shower and change to go meet the Cop on our fourth date sunday. He's so nice and so sweet. He's totaly boyfriend material. He's always hugging me, kissing my forehead and telling me how attractive I am. What girl doesn't like attention? Seven and a half years in a monogamous relationship with barely any sex made me go buck wild now that I'm dating. I sleep with the cop and it was only so so. I mean he's a really nice guy...what am I doing? He calls for a car at 5 in the morning so I can make it home, shower and change to get to work by 830. I proceed to work 11.5 hours and next thing you know, french guy wants to see me afte work. OMG, where do I get the energy to date back to back? I hang out with french guy afterwork till the next morning, and all he wants to do is cuddle. He's sarcastic, opinionated, and definitely gets his way all the time. We cuddle all night and before I know it i'm sleeping at his place. No worries...all he wants to do is cuddle...thank God...I really didn't have energy to do anything else. I'm torn, I have to imagine that these guys are doing exactly what I'm I shouldn't feel bad about having a little fun catching up on everything i've missed out on the past several years. Online dating is definitely time consuming. It doensn't matter who's asking who out...everyone wants a second, third or fourth date. It's always "lets go out for drinks, then they quickly change their minds and trick you to grabbing dinner, more drinks and then coffee. I'm beggining to see a pattern. I think I'm torn between the Cop who's super sweet and nice and French guy who's totaly cute, challenging and well off. Hmm... what do do? Great as i'm writing this blog...the cop said he's taking some time off to see me tommorow and French guy text as I'm making plans. I'm definitely curious as to how this is going to pan out...i have to remember to turn my phone off when I'm on a date. Last thing I need is to have my phone call either one of them while I'm with the other.

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