Monday, October 13, 2008

The Game II

Okay, I was a good girl and didn't call or text French guy all weekend. I get a text today, saying "dissapeared?" I go on to comment about how hectic my weekend has been and that I got a lot done. He then text me "waiting for you to come c me!" and I text back "sorry sweetie. How about tomorrow? I've got a date with my gym tonight". It's was killing me to write the text. I wanted to go see him, but like I mentioned before I have my red week this week. How sexy would that be? He doesn't text me back, I called him 2.5 hours after the last text, but he doesn't answer my call or text. What the heck?! I'm not sure what to make of this. He's driving me insane. He's the one who's suppose to go bananas not me. When I'm out with other guys, all I do is think of him. I don't want him to think that I'm at his beck and call and he can have me whenever he wants. But it seems like that has backfired. Or maybe he's still playing the game. He's so used to getting what he wants. Unfortunately, I still feel like he needs to know I have my own life. He mentioned how he likes independent women, well I'm being independent. I've scheduled to start working out with my girl friend, hanging out with my friends on friday and sat and going to the Opera with my other good friend next week. Am I doing this wrong? I know he's annoyed that I picked the gym over him. Well I tried texting and calling. That's all I'm doing for now...I'm not calling him till he calls me. I made the effort to try and reschedule. It's a little push and pull. He needs to meet me at least half way. He had the opportunity to call or text me all weekend, why is he putting it out there like I'm the one who's been ignoring him? I'm used to being on the other side, the one who's being pursued. I'm not backing down, I give a little, now he needs to give a little. I'm not playing tug of war with him or my emotions. I'm so frustrated.

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