Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Game

I don't understand why women of New York are forced to play a game with the men they're involved with. I can't stop thinking about French guy, all I want to do is call him or text him, but I hold myself back from over doing it. Told myself this friday not to call or text him. Let him make the move. I want him to think, I've got a life outside our rondevou sleepovers. He mentioned in passing that he likes women who are independent. I'm going to take up pilates, study for my license on sundays, and take up some other sport to keep myself busy. I can't stop thinking about our last meeting. I went to victoria's to buy some flattering undies, slept over his place (without sex), and cuddled all night long. The last thing he tells me is "bye baby, have fun at work". I don't want to end up being the girl he just cuddles with. Then again, winter is comming around and I'm looking for someone to hybernate with. Wait, I don't even think he's going to be here this winter. He said he goes to Miami for the winter. It's funny how after seeing him for the first time, I didn't think there was attraction, now I can't stop thinking about him. He's very well dressed, tall, slightly handsome and confident about everything he says. So this is how I'm going to play the game. I'm not going to call until he calls me. I'm not going to give in to having sex until our seventh meeting. I'm going to keep our conversations light, mostly about finance (something we have in common). I'm going to do some subtle flirting. Keep buying nice undies, smell great, dress well, and keep myself in shape. I didn't get waxed down there for nothing! Appear to be available, but never be available. The goal is to make him go bananas. In the meantime I'm going to keep myself busy with dating, exercise, studying and sports. Speaking of dating, I'm seeing Lawyer guy again today and I met another guy at some club last night exchange phone numbers. This is going to be fun!

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