Saturday, November 8, 2008

Wine and Dine

Been on four dates with Polish Guy #2. First we went for drinks at Kilmat in the east village, then to some french bistro in the upperwest, Ruth Chris in weehawken, and Garage in the west village. Today we're opting to just rent a movie and "hang out" at his place. I'm no dummy, I know what he's leading up to. The question is, am I open to it? Not really sure. Got a little freaked out when he told me that he's taking himself offline and that he told his sister that he found someone I'm a bit worried, because I don't know if I like him that much or am even ready to settle down. He's picking me up at 10pm and then off to Jersey. I'm probably going to end up staying there tonight. He's growing on me. In the meantime I still think about French guy. He's should be back in a week and a half or so. Wondering if he's going to call me when he gets back. Anyhoo, Finance guy is still in the picture. He's taking me to the opera on our next date. I love a cultured guy! Online dating is letting me experience New York with a date. I'm not sure if I really like Polish Guy#2. He's 29, 6'2'', super blonde hair, greenish eyes, preppy, works in finance, but looks about a 6 or 7 out of 10. I'm not that attracted to him. I usually need a couple of glasses before I'm okay with the date. (Not a good sign). French guy kept asking me if I'm talking or sleeping with other people. I keep dodging the question. I would never ask that, considering, i just know if you're online, then you're probably seeing other people. Today I was suppose to go out with the guy I met at the club, but he's totally flaky. He made plans to see me at 5 but wanted to go home and shower after juditsu, then he fell asleep and asked if we could meet up at 11. Um NO! Geez guys just have to get a clue. Anyhoo, called Polish guy #2 and am now getting ready to go out with him.

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